Inhibition Responses of Creeping Bentgrass after Applying Trinexapac-Ethyl as Two Spraying Methods

Young-Sun  Kim 1   Hyeok-Jae Heo2   Eun-Ji  Bae 3   Jeong-Ho  Youn 2,*   Geung-Joo  Lee 1,*   

1Department of Horticultural Science, Chungnam National University, Daejeon 34134, Korea
2Hanul Co. Ltd., Hapcheon 13206, Korea
3Forest Biomaterials Research center, National Institute of Forest Science, Jinju 52817, Korea


Trinexapac-ethyl (TE) is a plant growth retardant using to regulate turfgrass growth in golf course during summer season. This study was conducted to investigate effects of various TE application on growth inhibition and visual quality in creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris H). Treatments were as follows; Control (Non-treatment), H100 (0.005 a.i. g m-2 100 mL-1), H300 (0.005 a.i. g m-2 300 mL-1), R100 (0.01 a.i. g m-2 100 mL-1) and R300 (0.01 a.i. g m-2 300 mL-1). In pot test, turf color index, chlorophyll index and visual quality of creeping bentgrass were not significantly different, and shoot length and clipping yield were decreased by application amount of TE, but unaffected by its diluting folds. In nursery experiment, turf color index, chlorophyll index, visual quality, shoot density and root length were not significantly different. These results indicated that application amount of TE decreased growth of creeping bentgrass, but its dilution folds unaffected on.

Figures & Tables

Fig. 1. Clipping yield of creeping bentgrass in pot after application trinexapac-ethyl (TE).