Current Issue
December, 2024
- Vol. 13 No. 04
Research Article
Development of the New Zoysiagrass Cultivar ‘Sechan’
In this study, the new zoysiagrass cultivar ‘Sechan’, was compared with the JO (Zoysia matrella) mother plant, which has rapid greening and shoot density, and the Z1060 (Z.japonica) father plant. Among the F1 hybridization …
Stress Analysis for Selecting of Wear-Resistant Cultivars in Zoysiagrass Hybrids
Turfgrasses are used in inhabited regions worldwide for home lawns, athletic fields, golf course turf, parks, recreational areas, and roadside vegetation, and they are in steady demand. To meet their growing demand, there is a need to …
Computational Identification and Characterization of Ascorbate Peroxidase (APX) in Zoysiagrass Species
Ascorbate peroxidase (APX), a gene, protects plants from abiotic stress by regulating reactive oxygen species levels. Although its function has been studied in model plants, research on APX in zoysiagrass is limited. This study identified nine APX1 and …
Characteristics of Weed Distribution in Furrow of Upland Field Analyzing Test Reports for Pesticide Registration
This study aims to provide essential information for effective weed control by analyzing the distribution of weed species in upland fields across five regions of Korea. Weed occurrence data and regional information were extracted from …
Research Note
Glyphosate isopropylamine residues in Phyllostachys pubescens bamboo shoots and roots according to injection time and dosage
Bamboo is a major forest resource that has various uses. Bamboos that spread beyond their intended locations require management and stem injections of glyphosate isopropylamine are a chemical control method used to prevent the spread of …
Predicting the Emergence of Asian Copperleaf (Acalypha australis L.) under Climate Change Based on a Germination Model Approach
Owing to elevated air temperatures from climate change, weeds are expected to become more problematic in agriculture with abnormal occurrence. Acalypha australis (Asian copperleaf) is an annual summer weed of the family …
Research Article
Growth Characteristics and Effective Removal Methods of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Under Different Shading Levels
Garlic Mustard(Alliaria petiolata), an Invasive species, is an biennial plant native to Eurasia and lives in a variety of environments, from moist and shady forest lower layers to highlands. This species produces 15,000 seeds per plant, and its …
Comparative In-silico Analysis Revealed ARGONAUTE2 Genes Conferring Tolerance to Salinity Stress in Four Zoysiagrasses
Salt stress is a considerable abiotic challenge, adversely affecting plant growth and survival, particularly in saline environments. ARGONAUTE2 (AGO2) genes play a pivotal role in plant adaptation to salt stress through RNA interference pathways, …
Leaf Emergence, Chlorophyll Index, and Ground Quality as Affected by The Undersoil Hydroponic Tubing System in Kentucky Bluegrass Soccer Field in Winter Season
The need for turf managers to keep soil from freezing and maintain its green color in winter is increasing due to soccer games for the K-league and A-Match in February. The study was conducted in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) to …
Trinexapac-ethyl and nitrogen rates to increase turf coverage of Kentucky bluegrass during summer season
The summer decline is a symptom that causes turf to deteriorate in hot and dry weather. During summer, cool-season turfgrasses are subjected to drought and heat stress leading to severe decline in turf quality. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) …
Determination of the Genetic Landscape and Hybridization Structure of Zoysia Species in Korea Using AFLP Markers
In this study, we focused on the genetic variation, structure, and hybridization patterns of different species of Zoysia grass found in the biogeographic regions of coastal South Korea. In total, we collected 170 samples from five Zoysia species …
Review of the Herbicidal Injury of Two Nonselective Herbicides for Field Crops
This study determined the herbicidal injury of non-selective herbicides applied to field crops for weed control. Two field tests were performed to induce herbicidal injury of two crops. The first test was conducted by increasing …
Growth Changes in Creeping Bentgrass after Applying Liquid Fertilizer Containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Seaweed Extracts
In this study we investigated the effects of liquid fertilizers containing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and seaweed extracts (LFBS) on creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris L.) growth and quality. The treatments were as follows …