All Issue
December 2021
- Vol. 10 No. 4
- Occurrence Characteristics and Management Plans for Ecosystem Disturbance Plant, Sicyos angulatus
- Chemical Composition of Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha L.) and Racomitrium Moss (Racomitrium canescens (Hedw.) Brid) in Korea
- Identification of Herbicidal Compound Glycine Betaine from Tree of Heaven (Ailantus altissima Swingle)
- Correlation Analysis between MDA Content and Morphological Characteristics of Zoysiagrass Accessions as an Index of Wear Tolerance
- Potassium Fertilization for the Growth of Kentucky bluegrass Three Cultivars under Non-irrigation Condition
- Changes of Physicochemical Properties of Root Zone and Early Growth of Perennial Ryegrass in the Soil Treated with Leaf Mold
- Growth of Kentucky Bluegrass in the Root Zone Blending with Soldier Fly Casts
- Comparison of Soil Chemical and Physical Properties in Anysoil and Sand-Based Soil Systems
- Herbicidal Activity of KRA16-334 Broth Filtrate on Sicyos angulatus