All Issue
March 2018
- Vol. 7 No. 1
- Exotic Weeds Flora in Crop Fields in Republic of Korea
- Molecular Identification of Sagittaria trifolia and S. aginash Based on Barcode
- Changes of Morphological and Growth Characteristics Collected Miscanthus Germplasm in Korea
- Simultaneous Application of Chemicals and Temperature for the Effective Control of Trouble Seaweed Ulva australis
- Study on Weeds Fresh Weight Standard for Herbicide Efficacy Evaluation
- Growth of Two Native Zoysiagrasses Collected from Sea Side and Mountain Area in Indonesia on Growing Media Composed of Sand and Clay
- Application of Liquid Fertilizer Containing Humate Improving Rhizosphere Activation and Favoring Turfgrass Quality
- Effects of Alachlor and Pendimethalin on Germination and Growth of Balloon Flower (Platycodon grandiflorum)
- Effects of localised liquid fertilization of N, P, K and Ca on root development in Zoysia matrella, Cynodon dactylon and Stenotaphrum secundatum